Friday, December 17, 2010

It's the off-season, now what?

In the last 12 days, I"ve ridden my bike ONCE!  If you'd asked a few weeks ago, I'd have said that sounded glorious... but now, it's really not.  Training (and racing) is what gives my life structure, well that plus working full time.  Honestly, it's driving me crazy.  Starting tomorrow, I'm back on the training wagon.  Maybe just 4 days a week for a couple of weeks, but something must give.  Strangely my body has required more sleep since I stopped riding than before (closer to 9 hours than the normal 6).

This week has indeed been a good one to take off with all the ice laying around.  When I got home on Thursday I nearly slid into my roommates cars trying to creep into my parking spot only to take half an hour and a blanket on the ice to get out of the middle of the street. 

One more work day and then it's Christmas shopping, piano bar, training, and maybe a trail day at Waverly and cross clinic with the Main Street Velo team from Shelbyville on the docket for the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Trail day was cancelled if anyone was thinking of joining.
